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UX/UI Design

Effective Research

  • Discover problems and come up with creative solutions by thoroughly understanding the users’ goals, frustrations, and end-task through the design thinking process.
  • Conduct research using a range of qualitative and quantitative methods to understand customer pain points and behaviours and synthesize share insights and findings with design, and development team to inform product and design decisions.
  • Identifying, articulating and prioritizing potential usability issues and develop user flows, use case scenarios to demonstrate how a Guest/user will navigate through a product or service.

Research Methods

Competitive analysis
Usability Testing
Website Auditing
1-on-1 interviews, heatmaps, focus groups and surveys

Wireframing and Prototyping

  • Conceptualize, create, and edit purposeful, on-brand, creative wireframes and prototypes for website, social media, email newsletters, advertising platforms, and other mediums resulting in improved website design, visually appealing layouts and intuitive navigation.
  • Prioritize actionable outcomes and follow through on insights, ensure they result in design improvements in what we deliver, changed design priorities and/or roadmap enhancements.

Website Design

Website Designing

  • Turning prototypes and mockups into living interfaces for websites, webinars, newsletters, social media, static and animated media banner ads, email campaigns, online videos, etc and demonstrate strong visual aesthetics in colour, typography, graphics, and interactive design.
  • Design mobile-responsive and cross-browser websites and excellent understanding of web technologies, protocols and systems
    (i.e. HTTP, REST, APIs, JSON, CMSs, CRMs, Mobile Web etc.
  • Develop policies, procedures and contingency plans to minimize the effects of security breaches and work with developers to ensure the quality of our projects through development and understand marketing initiatives, strategic positioning and target audience.

Popular Website Builders

Wix, Squarespace, GoDaddy, Hostinger
Custom coding using html, css and javascript

WordPress Development

  • Design and develop aesthetically pleasing and accessible websites using Bootstrap, Gutenberg, Elementor etc. and enhance functionality and look-feel of the website by creating custom themes and plugins.
  • Configuring and using the core WooCommerce plugin such as WooCommerce Subscriptions, WooCommerce Memberships and different SEO and security plugins for enhanced security purposes and marketing.

Digital Marketing

  • Develop, implement, and manage the social media presence (Company websites, social media accounts, email campaigns, etc.) and marketing strategy for brands using marketing tools such as Later, Hootsuite etc with marketing agencies near me
  • Assist in the creation and optimization of Google Keyword and AdWords strategies, including keyword research, ad creation, budgeting, and retargeting.
  • Day-to-day management and continuous optimization of search engine optimization (SEO) and search engine marketing (SEM), ensuring high visibility in search engine results.
  • Utilize Google analytics and other tools to create dashboards and make reports.
  • Toolkit: SEMrush, Ubersuggest, Moz, Google Search Console, Ahrefs, Google Analytics, Google Ads, Think with Google, Google trends etc.
Sales Funnel Optimization
CRM Management
Social Media Compaigns
Email Campaigns
Marketing Strategy Analysis
SEO Analysis
Google Analytics
Keywords and AdWords
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